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When you use “No worries” or “No problem” as I do, the phrase can actually have the opposite effect. Once you say there is no worry or no problem, the recipient may hear that there actually was an underlying issue to be concerned about. In other words, just saying the word “problem” introduces the possibility that the situation wasn’t great.

A boss is a person who is in charge of other people. Bosses may be overseeing just one person, two people, a group of individuals, or a department. They may also be in charge of a company or even a group of companies.

My boss is the person who gives me orders at work. In other words, they tell me what to do.

The word is not a formal title. People who employ or superintend workers are their bosses. They make decisions and exercise authority over them.

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About Me

A boss is a person who is in charge of other people.

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